Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)

What is an Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)?

The advanced electronic signature is a version of the electronic signature which uniquely links to the signer, enables identification of the signer, and allows the signer to retain control. It also links to the signed data in a way that any subsequent change to this data is detectable.

The European eIDAS and the corresponding UK regulations define different standards for electronic signatures. There are three levels of increased sophistication. The lowest level of simple electronic signature (SES) can take any form that is acceptable to both parties, with no technical requirements for implementation.

Digital electronic signatures take this further with the technical ability to verify the signer and prevent forgery. There are two levels of digital electronic signature - the advanced electronic signature (AES) and the qualified electronic signature (QES). These offer increased security, but at a higher cost of implementation.

An AES should reliably identify the signer of the documents. The signature should also be protected against forgery or changes made after signing.

Do you have more questions regarding Advanced Electronic Signatures?

What makes AES a safer way of electronic signing than SES? 

How does the advanced electronic signature work? 

How can digital electronic signatures be implemented? 

When should a digital electronic signature be used?

What is the difference between SES, AES, and QES according to eIDAS?

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