eIDAS Whitepaper: EU-wide unification of the electronic signature

Since 2016, electronic signatures have increased in application and use leading to much greater acceptance. As a result, e-signatures are making a significant contribution in the speed in which documents can be legally recognized and the pace of completing signature dependent transactions.

In July 2016, the qualified electronic signature (QES) completely entered the mainstream following the EU regulation known as eIDAS. Since then, it carries the same significance throughout the entire European Economic Area (EEA). In our white paper, IDnow explains why such a solution is worth its weight in gold in the digital age and why it’s relevant for all industries.
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  • grey square with four lines and check A detailed explanation of simple, advanced and qualified electronic signatures
  • sign logo with check in it Advantages of QES via e-Signing
  • fingerprint icon with check mark next to it The e-Signing process with IDnow e-Sign
EU-wide unification of the electronic signature

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