IDnow supports German-wide organisation “Wir gegen Corona” (We against Corona) with free identification of volunteers

Munich, March 30, 2020 – IDnow, a leading provider of Identity Verification-as-a-Service solutions with more than 250 customers in Europe, supports the initiative “Wir gegen Corona” with free identity verification.

“Wir gegen Corona” is a Germany-wide initiative that helps people from risk groups to cope with their daily lives in domestic isolation. Voluntary helpers are placed on the Internet platform and via a hotline to take over grocery shopping and other errands. To protect them from possible fraudsters, the identity of the volunteers is currently being checked manually. This can now be automated with the help of IDnow.

In order to enable the organisation to grow fast and to professionally verify ID cards, IDnow will support this process pro bono with its AutoIdent solution based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). AutoIdent is a simple, intuitive product that checks the security features of the badge and matches the ID card image with the corresponding person.

“We are very pleased and proud to support the project Wir gegen Corona. Our product makes a valuable contribution to a great initiative that helps people in need in this difficult situation”, says Andreas Bodczek, CEO of IDnow.

“To ensure that we are able to place trustworthy people, we rely on a clean identity check. Thanks to IDnow, we now have the opportunity to verify the many helpful volunteers quickly, safely and easily. This allows us to effectively prevent fraud while continuing to grow rapidly. We are very happy about the support from IDnow”, says Thorsten Kud, initiator of the platform.

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